Guide prise de côte en feuillurea


Hauteur tableau

Largeur tableau

  • = hauteur entre murs = hauteur du trou de maçonnerie
  • = largeur entre murs = largeur du trou de maçonnerie

​Étape 1 : Mesurez la hauteur

Measure the table height of your opening at 3 points and record the smallest measurement.

We systematically add 30 mm to this measurement since the window must be larger than the table so that it can be installed in a rebate in your masonry.

​Étape 2 : Mesurez la largeur

Measure the table width of your opening at 3 points and record the smallest measurement.
We systematically add 60 mm (30 mm on each side) to your measurement since the window must be larger than the table so that we can come and install it as a rebate in your masonry.

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